Face Yoga : Oil Pulling?

I’m convinced.      Oil Pulling really works.      Really.      Truly.

I’ve known about it, thought it seemed like a good idea and even published an article on the Facebook page last year. So why am I just discovering this now ?

I had a micro-gum infection. It sounds a lot grosser than it was, but it just wouldn’t go away. So after a couple of months of returning to the dentist weekly, only to be told that I needed to make yet another appointment for a novocaine-numbed deep-cleaning, I decided to trade in the nightly application of anti-bacterial gel for a morning session of oil pulling. I returned to the dentist two weeks later, braced for my deep-clean, only to be told the infection was gone and that my gum had returned to a normal level along the tooth.

Ha! The sages of India really knew their stuff after all. Oil Pulling has been used for thousands of years and is part of Ayruvedic medicine as a natural detoxifying practice. It improves overall oral health (including fighting cavities and gum disease), soothes and heals throat issues and can even, help flush out sinus problems. Oil Pulling is also thought to have an effect on other parts of the body as well.

Many different oils can be used including, coconut, sesame, olive, unrefined sunflower or ghee (butter oil).

My go-to, and obvious choice was coconut. It’s one of those products you will always find in my pantry (along with peanut butter). I cook with it, add it into smoothies, use it to make some of my homemade creams and beauty products and even slather it on toast (yum!). So I didn’t need to be convinced about it being one of the world’s healthiest oils. It’s got so many uses to go into them all here, but I will mention that it is antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. In short the anti-oil. It’s good for you.

How do you Oil Pull?

In the mornings, before eating or drinking any beverages, rinse the mouth, then swish a spoonful of the oil of your choice around in your mouth for 10 – 20 minutes. (Personally, I drink my hot water first.) Do not swallow the oil. Spit it out when you are finished. Then rinse the mouth again.

So, yes, MY morning routine may have gotten a bit longer. But it also doubles as a great  warm-up and workout for the mouth area!

Workshop : Neck & Jawline Lift

Where : Club Haus Am Brill, Capellen

When : Saturday June 30, 10h – 11h30

This workshop concentrates on firming and toning the lower face while relaxing the neck and upper back. If you are worried about double chin or “turkey neck,” these exercises are for you. Come discover what Face Yoga can do.

For more information or to sign up for the workshop contact the Club Haus Am Brill on : 30 00 01

For more information about Face Yoga contact: kim@faceyogaluxembourg.com